8 Strategies to Beat The Winter Blues

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When it’s gloomy, be your own sunshine! How to beat winter blues.

Many people suffer with the winter blues. The days are short, cloudy, and cold (at least they are here in Ohio). In some cases, the depression can be so bad that a diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can be made by a doctor.

Sure, I like the first snow. It’s pretty. I also like to ski and snowmobile. But, at heart, I’m a warm-weather, sand-in-my-hair, sunshine kinda girl. After the first few snowfalls, winter gets the best of me and my attitude goes downhill in a hurry.

My end goal: Move to the Bahamas and be warm 24/7.  

It’s great to have long-range goals to look forward to…but I won’t be a full-time Bahama Mama for at least the next 10 years. Until then, it’s important to be happy where I’m planted! How do I do that during the long winter months in northern Ohio? I’ve got strategies!

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8 strategies to beat the winter blues

1. Wear sunshine yellow and peony pink clothing. Research shows that colors can affect our moods. When I feel depressed, I wear bright, tropical colors. I swear it helps!

2. Buy fresh-cut fragrant flowers like roses, lilies, or carnations. Put them on the coffee table, dining room table, or wherever you spend the most time. Look at them, touch them, and smell them. Often.

3. Make a comforting soup. Feeling extra hungry? You aren’t imagining it! I talk about seasonal hunger in this post. It’s a real thing. You can feed hungers of the heart (and stomach) by eating warm, nourishing, and comforting foods. A hearty soup or stew always does the trick for me.  

4. Plan a vacation. Research shows that the simple act of planning a vacation can have mood-boosting effect. Probably even more so if the vacation is planned to occur soon…and to somewhere warm. 😉 I feel very fortunate to plan several vacations per year. I can personally vouch for the outlook-improving benefits!

Planning a vacation is a great way to beat the winter blues. It gives me something to look forward to!

Planning a vacation is a great way to beat the winter blues. It gives me something to look forward to!

5. Dance. I have an embarrassing secret: I get up at 4:00 AM every morning, put on my favorite tunes, and dance in the dark for an hour in my workout studio. Yep. All by myself. And I love it. Within 10 minutes, I have a big smile on my face, I’m breaking a light sweat, and I’ve set a happy tone for my day!

6. Get moving! I exercise almost every day. On the days that I don’t, I feel lethargic, scattered, and anxious. Exercise can be as effective as medication for beating depression and anxiety. Find something you like to do that doesn’t feel torturous, and get moving.

7. Find a way to get outside and enjoy winter. Guess what? Nearly anything you can do in the summer months, you can also do in the winter. Walk, hike, and run in the snow and cold. You can also ski, skate, and snowshoe. Dress for the weather and get out there.

8. Sit in an infrared sauna. I’d be remiss if I didn’t advertise Hot Bods, my new infrared sauna and fitness studio opening soon in Medina, Ohio! I got into this bio-hacking therapy recently, and I love it for the mood and energy enhancement. I’m so into it that I decided to bring it to others in my community!  

Infrared sauna is one of my new favorite “hobbies”! Come visit me at Hot Bods in Medina, Ohio! Opening in January, 2020!

Infrared sauna is one of my new favorite “hobbies”! Come visit me at Hot Bods in Medina, Ohio! Opening in January, 2020!

Other suggestions to beat the winter blues

Get a light box. I admit that I have not tried a light box. But the mood-enhancing potential of these devices is backed by some pretty decent science. You can buy one off Amazon for less than $50.

Take Vitamin D. Did you know that nearly half of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D? Unless you are spending at least 20 minutes per day in the sun – buck naked – you probably aren’t getting enough if you live north of the Equator. Get tested and then supplement as necessary.

See your doc. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or mood, and you just can’t seem to get out of a funk, see a doctor…no matter what time of year it is.

I hope you enjoyed this post and thank you for reading!

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Blog Author: Kelly Bailey, IIN certified holistic nutrition coach, and NPTI certified personal trainer

Learn more about the author here.

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