How do I get rid of my muffin top?

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It’s been a hot minute since I wrote a blog post (again). I’m working on getting back on top of blogging weekly. I want to provide value (on top of lots of laughs for those who follow me on FB…and inspirational quotes for those who follow me on IG). I love answering questions, so feel free to hit me up with your fitness and nutrition queries and I may feature your question on the blog!

Are there exercises that will help me get rid of my muffin top or the fat that spills over the top of the bra?

Last week I got a question in my intermittent fasting group on how to reduce the fat that spills over the bra, and if there are any exercises that target that specific area. I get similar questions about spot reducing muffin tops/abs. In this post I’m going to focus on the muffin top, as that is the most common problem area women lament over. That said, the info here applies to all “problem” areas.

The struggle is real!

How do I get rid of my muffin top? Let’s talk about spot reduction.

There are definitely exercises that target the muscles in these “problem areas”. But you can do all the crunches, planks, and bent-over rows you want. It won’t help your muffin top or back bulge. You cannot spot reduce.

The spillover is caused by excess body fat. Strengthening the underlying muscle will lift the area and make it more aesthetically pleasing, and will also increase metabolism by building muscle. However, doing exercises that target specific areas will not correct bra spillover or the muffin top.

To get rid of your muffin top you need to decrease excess body fat.

Exercise helps, but getting rid of the muffin top or bra spillover is accomplished mainly through diet and eating behavior.

This is why fasting is so effective. The good news is that intermittent fasting (focused on eating behavior and timing) is helping you do just that! When you reach 12 hours of fasting, your body is forced to dip into stored fat for energy. Fat is utilized from all parts of the body. You can’t control where your body pulls fat from, and it doesn’t happen overnight, but rest assured that “problem” areas will get smaller if you are losing body fat!

Fasting by itself is often enough to help you lose body fat and reduce muffin tops and bra bulges. But, ideally, you will do three things: fasting to force your body to use up excess fat stores, exercise to strengthen, lift, and increase metabolism, and nourishing your body with better-quality foods. The complimentary nature and synergy of fasting, exercise, and healthy eating is dynamite for fat loss and shrinking those problem areas!

My favorite muffin-top-reducing ab exercises of the moment

The biggest problem area women are concerned with is abdominal fat (i.e. the muffin top). I will reiterate that you cannot use ab exercises to spot reduce abdominal fat. But doing full-body weight training that includes ab work will create a hormonally beneficial atmosphere for fat loss! So you should definitely include exercise in your muffin-top-reducing routine!

Here are three of my favorite core exercises of the moment…

Help me get rid of my muffin top!

These abdominal exercises are great for strengthening and building those core muscles. Want even better results? A smart full-body strength training program that works all of the major muscle groups of the body will create a hormonally advantageous condition that burns more body fat and will help you reduce the muffin top more quickly.

I can help you! I have openings for face-to-face training in my studio. Or, if you live farther away or are on a tight budget, I can write you a training plan! Set up a consultation with me today! You can fill out the form below or email me directly at

Thank you for reading!

Blog Author: Kelly Bailey, IIN certified holistic nutrition coach, and NPTI certified personal trainer

Learn more about the author here.